
Ready to get in the water? Great. Please email me for additional information on becoming a more confident and joyful swimmer.


270 Channing Way, #3
San Rafael, CA 94903


This site serves as introduction of Suzie Dods as a swim teacher and coach, provides her qualifications as a swimmer and teacher, and provides a summary of her offerings and swim philosophy.



Swim Confidently. Swim Joyfully.

"As a swim coach, it's my passion to impart confidence and a love of swimming to those whom I teach in the pool or open water."


One of my first memories of swimming was being driven to the YMCA in Kansas City for lessons. I remember the tile was blue, the water was cold, and that I cried all the way to the pool. I went to a small high school that never won a swim meet in my entire four years on the team. My college was also relatively small, and I think we won one meet. And yet, 35 years later, I am still swimming and I still love it. 


Swimming for me is about relaxation, fitness, friends, 
traveling and adventure. It's not about winning.






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