
Ready to get in the water? Great. Please email me for additional information on becoming a more confident and joyful swimmer.


270 Channing Way, #3
San Rafael, CA 94903


This site serves as introduction of Suzie Dods as a swim teacher and coach, provides her qualifications as a swimmer and teacher, and provides a summary of her offerings and swim philosophy.


24 Hour Relay 2025

24 Hour Relay is a group relay swim in Aquatic Park San Francisco CA held in the winter. Teams of 4-? swim from Saturday 9am Jan 25 2025 to 9AM Jan 26.

We are hosted by the venerable Dolphin Club . Cost is ~$80 and funds food, insurance and any leftover money is donated to various organizations.

It is not a competition , nor is it a fundraiser.

All are welcome and you can wear whatever you want , fins, wetsuit, diving helmet and a tutu for all we care.

Contact will be by email and facebook and your team captain.

If you email me -please check your spam for my reply.

There is no "application".. Your application is your payment.

I will be accepting payment Nov 1 and the event is capped at 75 people.

If you have a team, please designate a team captain and communicate through that person.

Thank you!

 24 Hour Relay 2025