
Ready to get in the water? Great. Please email me for additional information on becoming a more confident and joyful swimmer.


270 Channing Way, #3
San Rafael, CA 94903


This site serves as introduction of Suzie Dods as a swim teacher and coach, provides her qualifications as a swimmer and teacher, and provides a summary of her offerings and swim philosophy.


24 Hour Relay DEC 22 UPDATE

This is an email sent out to team captains Sunday Dec 22 **

A couple of things..

I am going to post on FB as well as here. If you are a team captain.. please try to have at least one person on fb.

I will also do a post on my website. I think it shows up under the BLOG bit.

Most of you are veterans but it never hurts to remind folks.

Dinner Friday night is mandatory. 5- 7pm ish.

If you are not a member and want to swim before 5 pm please pay the day use fee.

Dinner will be the usual salad , lasagna , cheesecake. We'll have coffee and tea as well.

We will need people to set up the tables, set the places and clean up. We will be using real silverware and the DC plates which need to be washed and put away before everyone goes.

You are welcome to leave your stuff on the stage but you can not sleep at the club Friday night. 

Saturday we meet at 8 am - find your place to nap/snooze whatever.

We will start at 9AM. If you choose to sleep in the handball court- NO SHOES in there.. mainly to keep the sand out.

No sleeping in the Sancimino room with ONE exception that has already been discussed with me .

There will be breakfast makings on Saturday ( eggs, bacon, coffee tea you know breakfast stuff but someone is going to need to take charge or at least delegate:)

We are responsible for being respectful of members and space. We are responsible for keeping the locker rooms/bathrooms tidy and clean. I have a task list for that on the locker room doors. 

Lorena is my DOCK QUEEN - she will give an explanation of what is required when you get in /out of the water.  This is important.. 

EVERY TEAM is responsible for helping on the dock... There is cover if/when it rains.

I dont care how long ( or short you swim) I dont care what you wear( wetsuit and a diving helmet , fins and a tutu for all I care 🙂 ) when you swim.

I do care that you look after your team, yourselves , that you are cautious in the cold water. 

I do care that are respectful of the space and chip in if needed.

That's all for now. 

Thanks again for participating, 

It's wierdly fun and oddly doable.. but dang  2am is hard.

Please let me know if you have any questions !