
Ready to get in the water? Great. Please email me for additional information on becoming a more confident and joyful swimmer.


270 Channing Way, #3
San Rafael, CA 94903


This site serves as introduction of Suzie Dods as a swim teacher and coach, provides her qualifications as a swimmer and teacher, and provides a summary of her offerings and swim philosophy.



Suzie Dods is an accomplished open water swimmer. She coaches swimmers to confidently meet the challenges of open water swimming whether long distance or around your local bay, river, lake, or swimming pool.

2011.04.02 Gozo Week 2 - 001.jpg

I have been swimming since I was 14 years old. I started swimming open water when I was  25 or 26.

My first open water attempt (Lake Tahoe from Sand Harbor to Chambers Landing, 14 miles) ended in failure, but I learned so much from that swim. I draw on those lessons practically every swim I attempt. Since then I have completed the length and width of Lake Tahoe CA (17 and 14 miles respectively) as well as both an English Channel and Catalina Channel solo.

Some of my favorite swims in the US include the Great Salt Lake Swim in Utah (8.19 miles), Swim the Suck in Chattanooga, TN (10 miles), Pennock Island Swim in Ketchikan AK ( 8 miles), and the Portland 11 Bridges Swim in Portland, OR (11 miles). I also completed END-WET in North Dakota, 36 miles UP the Red River.

Now, I swim back and forth in a pool , following and teaching people to become more confident, ages 4 to 84 !

I also absolutely adore showing people my second home, the island of Paros, with its wonderful beaches, food and place for me “reset” every year. Join me !

I continue to swim open water in San Francisco Bay, as well as swim in a pool while teaching lessons.

I love swimming, and I love the feeling of open water swimming. It gives me a feeling of freedom, of strength, and it gives me a feeling of wilderness in an urban environment. Every day is different. 

I coach and teach swimming because I love helping people overcome their anxieties about open water, and to swim safely and confidently.

More About Me and Swimming

Here's a link to a short video about my Catalina Channel. You can learn how much support goes into doing a long swim. You're not always alone out there.

And here's one to